David said....
> Ok, I'm way out of my area of expertise on this one, and I'm
> hoping someone out there can help me.  It seems that there
> are issues regarding using the VT-MGR protocol over a WAN.  The
> network guy here says...
> "The issue is that the vt-mgr application which rides on tcp/ip)
> uses a small packet and each one of the packets needs to be ack'ed.
> This causes the vt-mgr session to be very slow. In the case where
I don't know where there is a spot to set the packet size, but I have not
had any problems with VT-MGR over a slow speed link.  I have found the
packets to be close to 500+ bytes when data is pumping down from the HP.
We have one set of users (5) coming over a bridge with a 14.4k modem.  The
users have not complained, but I can see the packet breaks when the screen
paints.  It seems to be about three packets for a full screen (1920) char.
 That averages out to better that 600 data bytes/packet.  I don't think
that's bad.
Now if you have lots of prompt and response with short amouts of data,
then, you will get lots of short packets.  I don't think you can do much
about that.
On the other hand, I too would be interested to see if packet size is
settable anyplace.  Eero - Are you still out there? or is someone else
from  HP (or in the know) out there on this issue?
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