I am in the process of purchasing support for our HP 3000/918LX system.  We
had purchased the HP 3000 MPE/iX Developer's Kit which includes HP C/iX.  On
HP's quotation for support both items are listed, meaning we get to pay
double support for it.  The support contract rep. just says that is the way
the computer prints it for her.  Does anyone else have support on this?  Are
you paying double?
Another question concerns getting the documentation on CD-ROM.  We used to
get our documentation this way several years ago, but had dropped support on
it.  If we start getting documentation on CD-ROM again, do we have to buy
the searching software for the pc again, or will the current LaserRom discs
work with the old search software?  I told the lady I'd call my HP sales rep
about getting the new searching software for the pc, but she told me to call
a HP var instead.  Doesn't HP sell small ticket items themselves anymore?
Thank you for any and all help.
Ron Miller      Voice:(804) 499-1900 x323   Fax:(804) 499-7645
4521 Professional Circle
Virginia Beach, VA 23455-6454