We are looking for help with the following COBOL compiler problem:
One of our developers is attempting to compile a COBOL program with a
two dimensional table:
01  TABLE.
    05  TABLE-ENTRY            OCCURS 500.
        10  A                      PIC X(30).
        10  A-ENTRY            OCCURS 1300.
            15  B                  PIC  X(04) VALUE SPACES.
            15  B2                 PIC  X(04) VALUE SPACES.
            15  B3                 PIC  X(03) VALUE SPACES.
            15  B4                 PIC  9(06) VALUE SPACES.
            15  B5                 PIC S9(09)V9(02) VALUE ZEROS.
            15  B6                 PIC S9(09)V9(02) VALUE ZEROS.
With this code (500 x 1300), the COBOL compiler hangs.
If we change the OCCURS, we have the following results:
500 x 13: ok
500 x 100: compiler hangs
500 x 50: compiler aborts with error at Bk-end (for SEQ #) Codegen
detected error (7204) error in writing to object file (7204) and of
course a stack trace.
Leonard Berkowitz
RIAG (Warren, Gorham & Lamont)