Patrick Stirrat ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: 1) we would like to set the default print pitch so it prints 16.7 cpi on
: all printouts.  We have the software escape codes to do this on a per-
: printout basis, but we want to set this to be the default through the
: printers' control panel.
  - Take the printer offline
  - Press self test button
    Look at the page and find the 16.7 char set
    Find the code to the left of the desired sample
  - Press Config key and press up/down until number 1.
    Release the Config, should see up/down to get to desired
    font (ie, 1).  Press enter.  The desired font will be the default
    but can be overridden with escape codes.
: 2) the printer is currently connected to an HP3000/928.  can this printer
: be connected to a PC or PC network?  If so, what driver should be used,
: and are there any settings that need to be set on the printer itself?
: Will a standard serial cable work?
  A standard cable will work.  Unfortunately, all you can print is ASCII
  from a DOS prompt.  There are no PC drivers for these printers.
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|   Bill Hassell            |  Hewlett-Packard Response Center    |
|   System Administrator    |  [log in to unmask]  /  Atlanta, GA.    |
      .oooO   (   )
       (   )    ) /   "There are two types of computer users in the
        \ (    (_/     world...those that have lost data, and those
         \_)           that are going to."        (blh, circa 1972)