Hi there. A brief remionder that I have set up a folder for capturing early
questions for the MPE Technical round-table at HPWorld in Anaheim. So far I
have just one question, which relates to Java being recognized and supported
by MPE/iX:
SUN Microsystems, at Internet World trade show in San Jose, Calif., unveiled
a list of 10 major vendors that have incorporated or will incorporate Java
directly into their operating systems. The list includes Hewlett-Packard.
Is MPE/iX considered an HP operating system for purposes of this announcement?
I'd remind you that you can submit questions early by sending them to me at:
[log in to unmask], with a Subject: of MPE Roundtable.
I will post a weekly summary of all received questions. This folder will
cease to be available after July 31st, because at that point I'm heading
west! But until then please submit questions that you would like answered.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming...