I just came back from vacation and looking at the 3000 list I see a
thread where the subject is an accurate description of macintoshes.  Now
normally I would nit bother with such a subject since arguing with such
deluded individuals is waste of time and bandwidth.  However something I
picked up on my recent travels indicates that a warning to those who
agree with the message subject is in order.  There appears to be a
darker side to this issue.
We stayed a few days with my brother-in-law who is a police officer
specializing in accident investigations.  He works for a small
department so he also covers white collar crime as well.  Sitting around
one day waiting for the women and children to prepare themselves for an
outing I happen to be browsing through some of his law-enforcement
journals.  One had a section on computer crimes so naturally I examined
it closely.  There was an article on pedophiles and sex crimes.  In it
was an interesting tidbit, it seems that of those convicted for such
offenses 71 used macs as opposed to 2 PCs.  While we wouldn't see apple
advertising this("perferred by perverts 35 to 1"), it is alarming.
So I advise those who agree with message subject to cease and desist.
After all it is not a good idea to be having commerce with such
individuals.  Do you want your name to come up, no matter how
innocently, in an investigation of this sort?
                                                 John Fusek