All these comments being sent to all these newsgroups is only
adding to the cyber-garbage that is tying up (and slowing down) the whole
system.  Some providers have even dropped some newsgroups because they
don't have enough storage space for everything.
        When you send your reply/comments just edit YOUR Newsgroups list
where it appears on your browser's message form. Only respond to
messages in the group(s) that appear logical to you.  Discussions,
solicitations, etc. do not belong in alt.2600... groups.
even the SPAM that people complain about isn't as bad as all this
cross-posting to non-pertinent groups.  I would have loved to have just
limited my posted of this whole thread to the alt.tasteless.jokes group
but then you probably wouldn't get to read my bitching and this useless
drivel probably doesn't fit their FAQ either.
THINK ABOUT IT!  Its your Internet also -- why continue to screw it up?
Morgan Dhu ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: [log in to unmask] (Dr Vortx) wrote:
: >In article <[log in to unmask]>, "B.J. Major"
: ><[log in to unmask]> wrote:
: >> Yeah, sure Macintosh sucks.  I guess that's why every IBM pc and clone
: >> wanna-be uses some form of Windows, because they just HATE the Mac
: >> graphical interface SO much.  Yeah, sure.  The way I look at it, if you
: >> want a Mac-like graphical interface SO much, why not just buy a
: >> Macintosh?  Why settle for something that will never BE a Macintosh no
: >> matter how much it's improved upon?
: >
: >> Ever notice that all the immaturity in messages like his come from the
: >> PC side of the fence and not the Mac's?  Thought so.
: >>
: >> --bj
: >> "Apple Computer Forever"
: >> Devoted Mac and Apple // user
: >notice how macs allwase get TOS........
: Please limit your postings on this topic to computer-oriented
: newsgroups. Thank you.
-=-GRAHAM-JOHN [log in to unmask]
Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.The courage
to change the things I can.And the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=I had to kill because they pissed me off=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=