Ken Sletten b894 c332 x62525 wrote:
> >I would like to thank Larry Byler, Larry Boyd, Jon Cohen, James
> >Overman, and numerous others that continue to post to the list.
No, thank you, folks!  You've been greatly helpful to us, too!
> >I would also like to thank Mike Belshe, Steve Elmer, Steve Bitondo,
> >Nicole Saeger, Jeff Vance, and others who made so many valuable
> >contributions in the past but most of whom are no longer directly
> > working with CSY (or at least MPE).
> .....SNIP....
> Me too.  You can talk about corporate organization and
> structure and plans and etc. all you want.  In the end, it's
> still individual people that make things happen (or not
> happen).
Again, I appreciate your good thoughts.  Thanks.
There is something I should point out, however:  I've been with CSY
since before it was CSY.  While there are a few of us "old timers"
around, having a good amount of turnover has always been normal for
us.  To avoid burnout, we are encouraged to grow as engineers, and
often that leads to new opportunities.
Recently, with the advent of the Internet, this newsgroup, and CSY's
Customer Focus programs, we have had more direct contact with the
HP3000 customers.  This has been to both our benefits.  But a side
effect is that you as customers have been exposed to our turnover
rate.  Please don't read anything into our turnover rate -- it has
always been like this.  I would point out that for the most part,
these folks are all still within HP and are available to us in an
emergency.  Actually, we are still in contact socially with the folks
that left HP, too.
I'm reminded of the joke about the guy who claimed to have George
Washington's original hatchet -- sure, the shaft has been replaced
7 times and the head 4 times, but it is the original!  If we are
doing our job right, the names may change but the services provided
will stay the same.
Jon Cohen
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Hewlett Packard -- Commercial Systems Division
(If you e-mail me, please include your e-mail address in the body
of your message -- my mail is autoforwarded, and the return address
is stripped.  Thanks.)