Mike Yawn writes:
>It looks like I'll be hosting the Java BoF at HPWorld this
>year.  I'd appreciate any suggestions from the group as to
>how to make the agenda interesting.
>A report on the port of Java to MPE will definitely be
>included, and perhaps even a demo if luck is with us.
>My personal interest is on the side of serious application
>development using Java.  A platform-independent language such
>as Java could do wonders for the availability of new
>application programs for the HP 3000.  Are other people's
>interests similar, or more inclined towards Java as a
>WWW plug-in, or what?
I am interested in both, Java scripts/apps running on the client side
AND Java running on the HP 3000. We can get plenty of help currently
on Java scripts/apps on the client side, so I would prefer to see how
I could leverage Java as a language on my HP 3000. Here are some issues
that come to mind at this time:
-- Status of the Java port to MPE (availability, costs, support issues)
-- Java IDE for MPE?
-- Where will Java apps run, in MPE, Posix or both?
-- Class development to cover the basic MPE objects:
   -- Image/SQL
   -- Allbase/SQL
   -- KSAM
   -- MPE flat files of various types
   -- Intrinsics
-- Use of Java classes for socket i/o, both as client and server
-- How to connect Java server apps up to a www server
Duane Percox  (QSS)
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