Richard Gambrell asks about the 3000 running HP's mission-critical operations:
>I wonder if anyone can get the story on how the 3000 came to be
>the choice.
The 3000 NewsWire's got it. You can see it in the July issue. (If you
haven't sampled us, browse to to get
your free trial subscription started in the US or Canada. We send sample
copies overseas for first-time requesters.)
In a word, experience. HP had better MPE savvy inside its IT shop than
HP-UX capability. Read between the lines further into the story and you see
that MPE/iX was a better match for batch. The IT manager told me that
scripts would have had to be written to replace MVS file management, while
MPE/iX had JCL ready to do the job.
Does it really matter why the HP 3000 was chosen? Given the chance to move
it all to HP-UX, HP didn't. It's a matter of watching what HP does, rather
than worrying about what some of its employees say you should do.
Ron Seybold, Editor In Chief
The 3000 News/Wire
Independent Information to Maximize Your HP3000
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