the Greenberg family ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: What I find very curious is that (as you'll see in the enclosed
: example) many of the routines begin with statements that have a
: subscript I, yet it's not initialized and not mentioned in the common
: block or in an equivalence. Questions interspersed with code:
Maybe this is a type definition for a function that is more fully
defined later in the compile (or a separate compile)
:       IFSD(I)=I-100*INT(I/100.)
:       ITFD(I)=I/100-(I/10000)*100
:       ITD(I)=I/100-(I/1000)*10
:       IFD(I)=I/1000-(I/10000)*10
:       RN(R)=R*7.7-INT(R*7.7)
: 1. Note the lines above - no reference to R or I previously
These are "statement function statements" i.e. one-line user function
definitions; I is the parameter to the function.
: 2. Are IFSD ITFD ITD IFD and RN fortran functions? Is RN the same
:    as the Basic RANDOMIZE to seed a random number generator?
No, these are user defined funtions.
:       LU=IPR(1)
:       NAME(2)=MOVEAS("SD")
: 3. Does this automatically do: = asc("S")*256+32+asc("D") and
:    cram the two characters into an integer?
:       R=RND
: 4. I assume this is a random number
:       Nothing exciting now until...
:       CALL REIO(MSGR,72)
:       IF(MSGR(1).EQ.MOVEAS("**"))GOTO 5
:       DO 30 J=1,71,2
:       MSG(J)=(MSGR((J+1)/2)/256)*256+32
:       MSG(J+1)=(MSGR((J+1)/2)-MSG(J)+32)*256+32
:       IF(MSG(J).EQ.32)MSG(J)=8224
:       IF(MSG(J+1).EQ.32)MSG(J+1)=8224
:     I assume this is where the user's command line is entered, and
:     that although it is entered into an integer array, the array only
:     has one character per subscript and that he wants two per integer?
:     Nothing now until ...
:       CALL EXEC(8,NAME,LU,150,0)
These are probably HP 1000 RTE EXECutive calls.
The program is most likely HP1000 FORTRAN.
:       CALL EXEC(8,NAME,LU,170,0)
If asked, I'll deny ever having touched an HP 2100 (1000)
  [ unless you have a LOT of money...]
 James Overman HP Support Technology Lab  Roseville, CA