Item Subject: Meddelandetext
donna wrote:
> - as an aside, how many g-bytes will fit onto a 90 meter tape when
> it's used in the 4+ g-byte w/ compression drive.  (yeah, i'll be
> trying to buy 120m tapes now too...)
we stuff at least 6-7 GBs on such a drive with 90 m tapes (if I remember
correctly, 60m tapes were good for 5-6GBs before STORE asked for another
tape (that hasn't happened yet with 90m tapes)), but, I guess, your
mileage will vary depending on such things as what your files look like
and what they contain. BTW we had problems with 120m tapes, not just in
getting them, but in getting them to work as well (a lot of read/write
errors, bad tape, and stuff). Anybody else had similar problems?