>>> odurf.rf_gate."[log in to unmask]" 06/18/96 04:58pm
>If that ends up being true, I can say beyond any reasonable doubt that it
>will be NT in our part of the world;  certainly not
>HP-UX or any other flavor of UNIX.  NT may need to
>"mature" for a few more years, but Gates & Co. will with their usual
>tenacity keep making it better and better.
Hummmm....their tenacity still hasn't produced a robust desktop operating
system.  Windows 95 is laughable.
I would much rather hang my hat on the UNIX tree, a proven enterprise
solution, than on a company that made sofware instability and crashing
part of the normal computing cycle.
Kyle Parrish
ps -  Why does this group HATE Unix soooo much?
>Ken Sletten