In a message dated 96-06-16 08:34:55 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Jim Nissen)
>TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 brings new features in  MPE/iX 5.5
>TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 will be released with MPE/iX 5.5. This new version of
>TurboSTORE brings several new features as well as a "True Online Backup
>capability."   The major new features include:
Followed by a long posting about all the features of TurboSTORE.
This is not the proper venue for this advertising.  Your posting offended me
in many ways:
1- As an HP 3000 user
2- As an HP3000-L subcriber
3- As an HP 3000 third-party vendor
4- As a competitor
There are various vendors on this forum and we all conform to the proper
rules of netiquette.  When I have something to announce, I post a reference
to the fact that users should visit my web site for information.
Just because you are an HP employee does not mean you can bully your way on
this forum.  This forum is for HP 3000 users, it is not a venue for HP
advertising.  You should be much more circumspect in your approach and just
invite users to your web site.
If all vendors behaved as badly as you do, this forum would lose all its
You owe all the users on this forum a very deep apology.
Kind regards,
Denys. . .