Please take this off topic crap out of my newsgroup!
Johnathan Livingston Smegma ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: On 23 May 1996 14:26:46 GMT, [log in to unmask] (William
: Tyzuk) wrote:
: >[log in to unmask] (Raistlin) writes:
: >
: >>In article <[log in to unmask]>, Lukas Mesani
: >><[log in to unmask]> wrote:
: >
: >>> In Article<[log in to unmask]>, <[log in to unmask]> write:
: >>>  From: Lukas Mesani <[log in to unmask]>
: >>>
: >>>
: >>>  I have here SGI and MAC and normly PC
: >>>  I have here top three of using ocmputers
: >>>
: >>>  1. SGI
: >>>  2. PC :)(
: >>>  3. Macintrash
: >
: >>You should really think before you post to a newsgroup.
: >
: >>A few simple questions you should consider before posting a message:
: >>1)  Will your message make you sound like a raving lunatic?
: >>2)  Will your message prove beyond a doubt that you are an idiot?
: >>3)  Does your message have anything useful to contribute?
: >>4)  Are you responding because you are high on crack?
: >>5)  Will your message give you that fresh feeling all day long?
: >>6)  Will your message prove that you lack the ability to speak English to
: >>the extent that you spell 30% of your words incorrectly and fail to form
: >>complete sentences?
: >>7)  Will your message make you sound like Czechoslovakian?
: >
: >So... if you can not answer YES to all seven criteria: DON'T POST!
: >
: >
: makintosh iz suks
: moose praktise iz bordom
: kant play duke nukem 3d on it
: floopy driv dont hav ejeckt buton
: moose only hav 1 buton
: kant write kliick with it
: martini sirtiz iz suks
: smel like fish, taste like chicken
: look like rottie
: trekies iz suks
: hav no lives
: hav no sinse of humer
: mayby send them sexxy gifs of kids
: then they hapy
: hewlet-pakard is suks
: last good machin they make hp2000a
: easy to krash
: with bad csaved crogram
: 10 a=brk^0)
: aol is suks
: i ask guide ware are the fukin warez roms
: and sexxy gifs roms
: tos send me warnang
: ask me to apologeys
: i tell thim they stopid fukers
: not help me
: now cant log on
: frind tel me use isp
: say cheeper than aol
: help me set up acount
: cant find sexxy gifs
: cant find chat rooms
: my frind show me usnet
: tel me about irc
: newssever is suks
: dont cary warez gropes
: cant get pir8 copy of nT 4 beta or nashvile
: irc is suks
: i ask peple for sexxy gifs
: i ask peple for warez
: they ban me from irc chat roms
: hakers is suks
: i tel them I el11te dood, ask them teach me how to hak
: they call me stopid nuwby
: tell me go to liberary
: reed boks and lern
: i need more aol bisks
[log in to unmask] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* A rabbit is just an angel with big ears *-*
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