Gentle Readers and Frustrated Puzzle Enthusiasts:
On Wed, May 29th, I shared the following puzzle:
>Given the following facts:
>         1.  There are five houses.
>         2.  The green house is directly to the right of the ivory house.
>         3.  The Englishman has a red house.
>         4.  The dog belongs to the Spaniard.
>         5.  The Ukranian drinks tea.
>         6.  The Chesterfield smoker lives next to the fox.
>         7.  The Japanese man smokes Parliaments.
>         8.  Milk is drunk in the middle house.
>         9.  Ale is drunk in the green house.
>        10.  Kools are smoked in the house next to the horse.
>        11.  The Norwegian lives in the first house.
>        12.  The Lucky smoker drinks whiskey
>        13.  Kools are smoked in the yellow house.
>        14.  The Old Gold smoker owns a snail.
>        15.  The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
>        Does the Zebra's owner drink Vodka or Ale?
A few people thought there wasn't sufficient information to answer the
question.   However, I did receive a number of responses with the following
                Correct Answers (w/proof!):  12
                           Correct Guesses:   1
                             Wrong Answers:   1
                             Wrong Guesses:   1 (50-50 chance!)
The person who submitted the first correct answer was Pete Crosby from HP.
Now we know what those Response Center folks are *really* doing!  ;-)
The following is the solution to the puzzle.  If you want to don't want to
see it just yet, stop here.....!
===========================  S O L U T I O N  =============================
To solve the puzzle, for each of the 5 houses you must identify:
            A.  Color of the house
            B.  Occupant
            C.  Owner's favorite drink
            D.  Owner's brand of cigarettes
            E.  Owner's pet
     House:      1         2            3            4           5
     Color:   Yellow     Blue          Red         Ivory       Green
     Drink:   {vodka}    Tea           Milk        Whiskey     Ale
    Animal:   Fox        Horse         Snail       Dog         {zebra}
  Occupant:   Norwegian  Ukranian      Englishman  Spaniard    Japanese
 Cigarette:   Kools      Chesterfield  Old Gold    Luckies     Parlements
                       The Answer Is-------------------------------
The "{}" items indicate the missing items given in the question and the only
possible placement of them.
-- Jerry
Democrary is a process by which the people are
free to choose the person who will get the blame.
                       -- Lawrence J. Peter