I am having trouble doing something.  But first, some background
information.  I have a batch job that will do the following:
       1)  Run a COBOL program that creates a flat file.
       2)  FTP that flat file to a UN*X-based system
       3)  FTP to a VAX system (running VMS and PMDF) and submit
            a job that will send an email message to several users.
I am running the program on an HP3000 987 system running MPEX/L
C.50.00 and I am using the FTP.ARPA.SYS program.
Now comes my problem.  I am able to successfully complete items 1 and
2 above.  However, when I try to submit the job (step 3), I get the
following message:
     500  Can't spawn process, Status = 0x38982
after the following statement is encountered:
     Site spawn submit/queue=pj$batch/log=art.log/keep gitotx05.com
(The portion after 'site' is specific to the VMS operating system).  I have
tried to remove the 'site' command from the job stream but it fails again.
However, when I log onto the VMS system, I can execute the above
command with no problem (omitting the 'site' command).
I haven't been able to locate the answer to this problem.  Any help will be
greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
        Art Gonzalez
        Manager, Information Tech.
        El Paso Community College
        Phone:  (915) 775-6141      Fax:  (915) 775-6126
        Internet: [log in to unmask]
        What I have said is my opinion and does not reflect
         the opinion of my employer or co-workers