I recieved this from Bill Sutton and am forwarding for everyone's (who
cares) benefit.
>> 1. When will 5.5 be available as a production release to all who wish to
>> have it?
>This I don't know. Beta is going successfully but I don't know when System
>Release or First Customer Shipments begin.
>> 2. Is the dynamic configuration feature part of 5.5 or will it be a
>> purchaseable option?
>Automatically part of FOS.
>Bill Sutton ([log in to unmask])       ++  "I'm not sure what upsets me more; that
>   WTEC - Networks  TN 648-2733    ++   people are so unwilling to accept
>                                   ++   responsibility for their own actions,
>HP pays me to talk about datacomm. ++   or that they are so eager to regulate
>Everything else I do on my own.    ++   everyone else's." - Kee Hinckley
   Gilles Schipper                    Voice:      905/889-3000
   GSA Inc.                           Fax:        905/889-3001
   300 John Street, Box 87651         Internet:   [log in to unmask]
   Thornhill, ON  Canada  L3T 7R4     Compuserve: 71203,474