From the April 1996 Apple Developers Catalog, page 36:
is advertised as solution for developers to access ODBC via a suite of
drivers that connect to ODBC-compliant applications across multiple platforms
to all major databases and gateways.
In the past, I have seen INTERSOLV's products list connectivity to IMAGE/SQL
and ALLBASE. In an ad from a 1995 issue of Database Programming & Design, the
ad mentions Macintosh, Windows, Windows NT, OS/2 and UNIX as the platforms
that connect to many mainframe, mini and PC databases, including IMAGE/SQL
and ALLBASE. DataDirect supports Core, Level 1 and Level 2 ODBC functions. If
interested, I can send you a list of the databases that DataDirect connects
to, as published in the ad.
BTW, I do not work for INTERSOLV or use their product. So this bandwidth use
is for informational purposes only.
David A. Warner, Partner                  HP3000 Systems Consultants and
Warner Electronic Systems Team            Connectivity Specialists
P.O. Box 15269
Santa Rosa, CA 95402-7269
E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
Voice:  (707) 528-9378
Fax:    (707) 528-9408