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Subj:    Re: Does Novell have any pulse left?
Date:    96-05-06 17:48:48 EDT
From:    RFMeissner
Cecile- is this worth posting?  fowarded it if you think so.
Novell has the same problem that the HP 3000 has.  It does not know how to
advertise a good product.  Unfortunately Mr. Bill Gates does know how to
advertise.  That is why we are all SO happy using WINDOWS (3.x and 95) in
spit of all its shortcomings (General Protection Faults, Memory hog, etc.)
instead of embracing Mac.
Netware 4.1 is very scaleable. It is also very reliable.  There are lots of
proven tools.
I guess the HP 3000 will see its day when Bill Gates decides that that is
occupying some of his market space.