Jon, we use the Laser RX Software here at our site on a monthly basis. It is
useful to a certain extent. To be honest I have a hard time interpreting
some of the graphs that LRX produces. Even with the walk-thru material that
HP provides it's difficult to translate the graphs into useful "trend" type
information. But management loves the reports! We use a serial connection at
19,200 bps to gather the data from the RX logfile once it has been created
on the 3000. This works surprisingly well. Most recently we used the reports
to make a case for adding more memory to our 947 vs a CPU upgrade. Upper
management likes to see these types of justification reports. Sorry thought,
we haven't written any scripts or programs to summarize the data. There is a
way to export the numerical data into a file for examination but I haven't
had much success with that. That's not anyones fault by my own.
Michael E. Farrell                 |
Data Center Operations Supervisor  |
Intermountain Gas Company          |
Boise, ID  83707                   |