In a message dated 96-05-07 11:06:29 EDT, you write:
>I would look at the SPLIT command in IMAGESQL.PUB.SYS.  This command will
>enable you to redefine the column of X104 to the various columns the data
>If you need further help, post to the list or me directly at
>[log in to unmask]
>Kind regards,
>Denys. . .
>The split command would work fine however each detail-type record may
>contain different field types.
>For Instance :
>detail-type -01
> as show above
>detail-type - 02
> 9(8)
> x(3)
> x(3)
>detail-type -03
> x(3)
> 9(8)
>Split would be fine if everything was just alike but in my case it is
>not.  I thought I would look at creating a view.  What I was looking at
>is using something like to substring however once again it is only for
>char type data.  What I really need is something like to sub command used
>in Information Access.  It lets you redefine information.  For  example
>Thanks for your info.
>Eugene Robertson
Well, I am resposting this to the list after your private answer.  You are in
what we technically refer to as a pickle.  The overloaded dataset which you
describe, cannot, at present, be accessed properly by the SQL interface to
IMAGE.  For various reasons, you cannot carry multiple definitions of you
dataset in SQL.  Since you have mixed data types, you cannot do substrings.
 Apart from having multiple DBEs opened, which is a total mess in itself, and
quite unworkable transaction-wise, there is no way to do this.
Unless you look at a product called ODBCLINK from M.B. Foster assoc.  (800)
ANSWERS.  You may be able to carry the mutiple definitions in a dictionary
and access the data through that method.  Give them a call, good luck and
keep us posted.
Kind regards,
Denys. . .
P.S.  If anyone knows of a way to use IMAGE/SQL on overloaded,
non-homogeneous data types, please let me know.