Item Subject: hpworld conference
Mike writes:
>Has anyone noticed that the hpworld conference seems to be lacking any
>HP3000 content!
>We just recieved an HPWORLD mailer and I put the following message on it:
>Sorry, I do not plan to attend as we are an HP3000 shop!
Hmmm.  While I don't think any of us doubt that this is still going to be as
much of an HP3000 conference as ever, if Interex has produced a conference
brochure that does not make it clear that this new "HP World" thing is really
just the same old conference (protestations from Denys about how much improved
it is not withstanding) that people are used to, then a lot of people (i.e. the
99% of HP3000 customers who are not as hip to events as we are here on the net)
may just chuck the thing in the trash along with the other five conference
announcements they got the same day.
Of course I haven't seen it yet, so I may be overreacting.