On Wed, 1 May 96 13:11 PDT, [log in to unmask] (Dan Hollis) wrote:
|Anyone else tried this? What's up? Is this _supposed_ to be able to happen?
|You can easily do this on Unix, but I was quite suprised to be able to pull
|it off under the POSIX shell in MPE.
Welcome to my nightmare, Dan.  ;)
You start with good old faithful unexciting MPE, just add POSIX, and...
Voila!  ...you get all the excitement and unpredictablity of unix.
Now before anyone takes aim in my direction, let me point out that I believe
that adding POSIX support to MPE was and is a necessary step in the
longevity of MPE and makes many good things possible.  And I don't think the
POSIX support is complete yet, as many have pointed out, but HP and third
party vendors are working in that direction.  However, the flexibility that
we now have available on MPE isn't without it's costs.
As always:
Jeff Woods
[log in to unmask] at Unison Software
[log in to unmask]   at home
[PGP key available]
Native American proverb:
We did not inherit the Earth from our parents, nor they from theirs;
We are borrowing the Earth from our children, just as our parents did from us.