Marco asks:
> Does anyone know of a program that can be used to validate a NMSTORE or
> CMSTORE tape done on a DAT drive?  I am running a 967 on MPE/ix 5.0.
As various people mentioned, there are free utilities to check an NM STORE
tape, and there are free utilities to check a CM STORE tape.
But, <plug>, as far as I know, there's only one utility that can
automatically check *both* CM and NM STORE tapes, and dump tapes,
and SPOOK tapes, and tar tapes, and...
TINDEX from Lund Performance Solutions
Or, since I like to provide useful free information whenever I do plug TAPEDIR program from the CSL will take your tape,
and analyze it if it is a CM STORE, and if it is an NM STORE it will
automatically do a RESTORE *NMSTORE;@[log in to unmask]@;LISTDIR  ... not quite the
same as VALIDATE, but better than nothing!
Stan Sieler                                          [log in to unmask]