Randy writes:
> Since Stan's being quiet on this, I'll chip in.  Allegro's web site
> points to an online-tape utility, variously available as:
>   http://lisa.denkart.com/software/stuff/ONLINE.LZW
> Non-priv versions are available as:
>   http://lisa.denkart.com/software/stuff/ONLINENP.LZW
Thanks, Randy!
BTW, that's the only version I am aware of that runs pre-5.0 and post-5.0
with no problems.  It also is aware of the various means that HPDEVCONTROL
can foul you up.
For people interested in the intrinsic, here's what CSEQ (one of the
tools from Lund Performance Solutions) says about it:
  :cseq hpdevcontrol
  CSEQ [2.0] - LPS Toolbox [A.01e]      (c) 1995 Lund Performance Solutions
  Procedure HPDEVCONTROL (
     status       : anyvar record  ;        {R26, @32 -> 32, align 32}
     ldev_ca      : anyvar record  ;        {R25, @32 -> 8208}
     itemnum      :        int32   ;        {R24}
     item         : anyvar int32   )        {R23}
     {NOTE: NOTE: NOTE:                                                  }
     {  The intrinsic definition of this procedure may                   }
     {  *not* match reality!  (As of early MPE/iX 4.0)                   }
     {                        (appears fixed by 5.0)                     }
     {The "itemnum" parameter is actually by-value, and                  }
     {the NL.PUB.SYS entry is uppercase "HPDEVCONTROL".                  }
     {                                                                   }
     {itemnums:                                                          }
     {   100 i32  Load Media  (tapes only?)                              }
     {   101 i32  Online (DDS, some tapes)                               }
     {                                                                   }
     {Not supported on 7974, 7976 tape drives.                           }
     {Item 101 not supported for 7978 tape drives.                       }
Note the important warning: the intrinsic file was *wrong* in some releases
of MPE.  Thus, if you are on a 4.0 system, and recompile Dan Hollis' version,
you run the risk of a mismatch between your call to the intrinsic and to
the intrinsic's parameter expectations.  This can lead to system failure,
because of various bugs in HPDEVCONTROL that I've ranted about before :)
Stan Sieler                                          [log in to unmask]