In a message dated 96-05-02 12:06:33 EDT, [log in to unmask] writes:
>Can someone please tell me how to get the output back on my console.
>I'm using a Hp 3000/917 and there is no more output on my console
>screen and I can't remember what happend that the output is gone.
Well, it depends on what happens when you hit return.
If nothing comes back, you system is down, or the console is dead or it is
disconnected, or you have a power failure.
If an MPE prompt comes back, you may have just left a character on the
console and all output was stopped.  It should now work ok.  If you still get
no CONSOLE TYPE messages, the console was moved with the console command.
 Type :CONSOLE and see which device is currently assigned the console.  To
get it back to LDEV 20 type :CONSOLE 20
If prompt similar to this  CM> is displayed, you or someone else has hit
ctnl-B.  Simply type CO<return> and you will be mack in MPE land.
There are probably other things, but I am responding quickly, if not
completely.  If this does not fix the problem, post again.
Kind regards,
Denys. . .