At 11:21 AM 4/26/96 EST, Kevin L Newman wrote:
>>Am I missing something here? I just love watching the press make such
>>large issues over passing comments.
>Yes, you are missing something. It's the struggle going on between HP's
>business practices and its customers' loyalty to this product.
>     Oh, I guess that I'm not missing it.  I've seen the postings on this
>     list and I agree with most of it.  HP needs to put more effort into
>     the 3000 product line as far as marketing and sales go.  I've made my
>     living for the last 10 years on HP3000s and I don't want them to be
>     the forgotten computer, but I haven't heard about HP being "put on
>     notice".  So what is the deal?  When is the deadline?  Are we all
>     going to just give up on HP and buy <gasp> IBMs?  Was this a
>     collective "put on notice"?  All I saw were list messages.  Do the 6
>     or 8 people that the editor called constitute a group consensus?
  As one of the attendees at the IPROF conference who spoke in favor of
this issue I can certainly say that there were more than 6 or 8 people
involved.  Although the ComputerWorld story happened after the fact and
not at IPROF, Proposition 3000 actually was presented at the IPROF conference.
There was no deadline set, but there were some pretty good presentations
made in regards to "The Road Ahead" for the 3000.  It seemed to be a pretty
collective "put on notice" from the number of people that stood up and spoke
to this issue during that SIGMPE meeting.  Unfortunately, it appears that
you were unable to attend the IPROF conference and missed the procedings.
As a systems manager in a shop that isn't buying much more HP and is buying
IBMs, I find your remark pretty ironic.
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