Dave Jennings wrote:
> 1.  When putting a variable length record <snip> Is there a way to override
system defaults to
> force the HP to write a 4-byte block serial number and a 4-byte RCW?
No easy way that I'm aware of.  One could write the record as Undefined and
include the block length and record lengths directly; i.e. manage the blocking
directly.  One could also handle the ASCII-->EBCDIC conversion directly, say
through the CTRANSLATE intrinsic.
> 2.  When putting a variable length record format to tape using FCOPY with the
> EBCDICOUT option, the HP3000 converts the RCW to EBCDIC.  The RCW is a binary
> integer.  <snip> Is there a way t prevent
> the conversion of the RCW and only convert the data bytes to EBCDIC?
FCOPY allows you to specify which parts of the record are to be converted to
EBCDIC and which are not.  This works well for fixed length records.  Not sure
about variable ones especially if they are variable blocked greater than 1
per block.
Good luck!