Thomas Harmon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>We've just installed MPE/ix 5.0 and have some questions on networking PC's to
> the 3000.
>I've read through the HP3000-L FAQ and got some information but its difficult
> put it
>all together and into perspective.
Hello Thomas,
        I have just been down that path. We have a 937LX connected to a
WfWG3.11 network. Finding out what to do was extraordinarily difficult
due to the lack of knowledge in our local HP support. But when you
know what to do it is so easy. In fact the hardest part is NMMGR.
The components you need are:
PC - add Microsoft TCP/IP - 32 version 3.11b as default protocol
drivers. Set up unique IP addresses for each PC and a hosts file to
give a list of names and ip addresses. We have found no problems with
this stack. It is free, fast and reliable.
Download the ODBC API from the HP, expand it and install the HP ODBC
drivers to give you access to Image/SQL
Turn off HP. Link the PCs to Hub. Link Hub with thin lan to end of Lan
link on HP. In our case on the second DTC. Turn everything back on
We use MS92 for Windows 4.1 as our terminal emulators. Fast and less
than 1 meg on the Hard Drive. As a VT session this handles character
and block mode screens. MS92 also comes with a net work file transfer
server that gives you blindingly fast PC to HP transfer. I can't
recommend MS92 enough. We have many Reflection licences but for
network PCs are going to get MS92. If you use Reflection and their
reflection network services you will have to turn off Microsoft tcp/ip
and add commands to autoexec.bat.
With the ODBC installed and ODBCVIEW run on the HP DBE that you are
using then you have access from anything that can use ODBC. We access
our Image Sql databases from Excel, Word 6, Visual Basic and Impromptu
3 so far. Am quite pleased with performance. Users are over the moon.
We have tested Hiback from Hicomp in backing up our PC directories and
are impressed. We will be ordering from Denys as soon as we prise the
accountants fingers off the money!
On the HP side - WARNING! - we are still waiting for the manuals that
we are supposed to have had months ago so this paragraph must be
followed with reference to the manuals and my information may not be
100% correct or suitable for beginners!. If you already have DTC then
you may as we have a thinlan link set up. In NMMGR find the name of
that link - in our case DTSLINK. Then under guided config create a new
network interface examples follow : network interface - LAN1 , network
type 1 for lan.
On the next screen, lan configuration, you may find node name already
exists. enter ip address such as (if you are never going
to connect the HP to the outside world use whatever you need ,
otherwise get a valid domain and ip from the right source) , link name
DTSLINK (or whatever yours is) and physical path of lanic 56 (or
whatever yours is) . Make sure enable ethernet and ieee802.3 are both
set to "Y".
save all of this and VALIDATE!
Next, you need to issue the commands:
For the listener you need to start arpa by
To stop everything do
I hope everything above is clear. But I must warn you that this is all
off the top of my head and I am quite happy to see any mistakes I have
made corrected. Please read everything you can before you start. I
hope I have helped you.
Brian Nye
Brian Nye               Member, Melbourne PC User Group.
                        Internet:   [log in to unmask]
                        Day Phone:  613-3130217  (Melbourne, Australia)