Some Observations on Year 2000 Issues on the HP3000.
At IPROF'96 much was made by HP of the limited resources (money, people, time)
to enhance MPE/iX because these were needed to develop a 64bit MPE for the
PA-8000 chip. No mention was made of doing anything to MPE/V. This leaves the
Classic MPE systems out in the cold when it comes to the year 2000 issues on the
HP3000. It is expected that future steps on year 2000 issues will include the HP
Lab working on problems in the operating system and databases. It must be highly
unlikely that this commitment will include MPE/V and it may not be an issue to
the HP3000 customer base in general. However, there will be some Classic MPE
machines which customers are expecting to keep in production beyond the year
2000 and a specific strategy for MPE/V systems needs to be urgently put in
Ken Nutsford <[log in to unmask]>
Systems Manager
Timeshare Systems Ltd.
(Where MPE/V is a preloved operating system and UNIX is a four letter Greek