On 19 Apr 96 at 10:16, Jeff Kell wrote:
> On a slightly different topic, I have one application that makes really
> heavy use of GETDSEG/DMOVIN/DMOVOUT/etc on shared data segments.  It is
> a mix between legacy SPL and newer C.  Aren't there some plug-and-play
> replacements for these routines that use mapped files?  Will they work
> concurrently between CM/NM code?
I believe the SPLash! compiler has these in NM as plug-and-play.  As I
remember, there are some PM uses that may not be supported.  However, in a
standard GETDSEG/DMOVIN/DMOVOUT environment, I recall them working fine.
(This isn't really meant to be a plug.  It's just a solution that I have used
before that worked.)
Larry Boyd    <[log in to unmask]>
"Each problem solved creates the opportunity to solve the next problem
          that the last solution created." - Richard Pascale
(These opinions are my own and not those of Hewlett-Packard.)