Using Microsft Access and ODBC to connect to HP's Image/SQL, we are
having problems linking to a dataset that has a concatonated key.
For example if I had a Customer dataset with a key field of
CUST-ID (X10) and an Address dataset with a keky field of ADDR-ID
(X18).  The CUST-ID is embedded into positions [3:10] of the ADDR-ID.
I tried to split the key within Image?SQL and set and Omnidex key on
the CUST-ID.  This didn't work as I encountered a bug in the system.
Also, Access is unable to create the concatonated key for a query to
join the 2 dadtasets.   This application is a purchased package and so we cannot change the
databasae.  I am looking for ideas that enable me to join these 2
databases and create an indexed readd off of the address dataset.
Any Ideas?