Boris Kapitanski ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Does any body now if AIF (3.0&4.5) works on MPE/iX 5.0?
: Thanks.
All the code that I have which uses the AIF/OS and AIF/PE is working
on a 5.0 system I have in the office.  If you have specific questions,
feel free to post them.
| Barry Lemrow               |  Disclaimer:                             |
| Technical Consultant       |    "Opinions expressed are mine and not  |
| SAP National Practice      |     necessarily those of my employer,    |
| Hewlett-Packard            |     family, or friends!"                 |
| [log in to unmask]                                          |
| You can't have something for nothing.  You can't get freedom for free.|
| You won't get wise with the sleep still in your eyes, no matter what  |
| your dream might be! -- N. Peart, "Something for Nothing"             |