[ I originally posted this to sigallbase-l about 10 days ago, but didn't get
much of a response. ]
A high-level manager here who talks often with HP regarding some development
issues we have with Allbase says that HP is planning to dump Allbase.  Some
other company would take it over to provide maintenance and support to the
existing installed base.
We are struggling here with a very ambitious multi-vendor database development
project which promotes much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair as we try
to cope with the differing feature sets of the various databases.  The manager
which relayed the HP Allbase plans is in charge of this project; he is a very
big fan of Oracle who is pushing hard to see Oracle adopted as our only
supported database.  This pro-Oracle bias needs to be considered when
evaluating the truth of this rumor.
Naturally when the manager asked HP to outline these plans in writing, HP
Would anybody like to comment on Allbase's future with HP?
Mark Bixby                      E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Coast Community College Dist.   Web: http://www.cccd.edu/~markb/
District Information Services   1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA, USA 92626-5429
Technical Support               +1 714 432-5865 x7064
"You can tune a file system, but you can't tune a fish." - tunefs(1M)