Alfredo - If a developer were to ask M. B. Foster Associates about the use of
our DataExpress/ODBCLink technology in/with their products they would discover
that we are quite flexible in pricing ... although not free.
The pricing is dependant on the number of copies that will be involved and the
value added. The deal has to work for all parties. We have learned much from
both our developer partners and our end-user customers.
Our first commercial release was over 2 years ago and was in keeping with the
philosophy that customers should be able to use what they have now and move
forward to the world of client server at their own pace.
Therefore we support serial and modem connections - no need to change
communications infrastructure. We also support both 4.0 and 5.0 winsock
connections so customers don't have to change the O/S to do this either.
Maybe you don't know - We support Image directly - translating the SQL calls
directly into the appropriate Image calls to help get maximum performance.
Lots of folks just never got around to doing the installation of Image/SQL for
a variety of reasons. If there is Image/SQL or AllBase we support it too. We
have support for TPI and will follow the progress of the B-Trees to include
them as part of what we do when the time comes. We support Oracle as well so
that customers can get access to data from there as well.
It turns out that 60% of the HP3000 sites have at least 1 KSAM file they care
about (ex-system 36?? or perhaps folks who didn't want to be "trapped in
Image") and this for some obscure reason is the number 3 SIG Image request
coming from IPROF/96 ... and yes Alfredo we support these too ... both from
a "free" (read included) mini-dictionary capability which is part of
DataExpress or through Powerhouse dictionaries. We have also done the number
one request - 32bit ODBC support (not due from HP till August in beta, expected
production in November).
So we have provided a Swiss Army knife of data access on the HP3000 with
DataExpress where a terminal, a PC or a MacIntosh can access data on an HP3000
easily. If ODBC access is needed we do it today and are investigating with HP
and Apple the ODBC requirement for MacIntosh desktops. I think Brian has had
the JDK since last fall and who knows maybe - if there is a business case we
will do something there too.
Sometime come visit I will take you on a personal tour of data access on the
HP3000 from a DataExpress perspective. Mid-may has thousands of tulips in the
flowerbeds of Ottawa.
Best Regards, Birket
Brian Duncombe ([log in to unmask]) - M.B. Foster Software Labs
"Inside every large program is a small one struggling to get out."
          C. A. R. Hoare