Item Subject: ADBC
Alfredo writes:
>One message stood out: It came from a Microsoft engineer, who was doing
>exactly the same thing.  After a couple of messages, we both got our
>wireless telephones and talked as we discussed the stunning show in the
>sky.  While star (and comet) gazing, the Microsoft engineer told me that
>she had been monitoring HP3000-L and had seen my posting on ADBC.  Her
>question was:  "Does this technology HAVE to be built with Java, or can it
>be built on Microsoft's ActiveX?"
Am I the only one who finds it a little improbable that someone at
Microsoft reads comp.sys.hp.mpe all the time?  Perhaps I'm just being
paranoid, but the idea of Microsoft scanning Usenet for Java references and
then trying to talk the people involved into using ActiveX instead of Java
sounds like something that people at Microsoft would try.  Microsoft really
seems to be going overboard on their attempt to take over the net with
technologies like ActiveX that will only run on Windows platforms.  Geez.
>As a result, I am dropping the "Java..." thread and initiating this more
>general and open thread: "ADBC".
>Good luck, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, as you start your
>computers and fire up your Java, Python, ActiveX, or whatever development
>kits...  ADBC beckons.  Think of Comet Hyakutake as a good omen.
Well now I've pretty much lost interest I'm afraid.  If we just want to
access an Image database directly and efficiently over a TCP network, then
what's wrong with Quest's NetBase PC which has been doing this for years?
It you want to propose a specific implementation (like Java) then I'd be
happy to join in the public discussion about it, but now the project is
completely undefined as far as I'm concerned, and I have better things to
do than to invent, design and develop products for people for free.  Sorry :-)