Diamond is in the process of creating a Data Warehouse for ASK ManMan
Data.   A challenge we are facing is that ASK data resides in Image, and
we plan for to run our warehouse on NT SQL Server.
Does anyone have any idea's or experiences with identifying records that
have been recently inserted, or updated in Image databases.
Our current thoughts are to add an indexed field in our databases that
identify a record as having been recently put, updated, or deleted, but
that requires us to change every program that does the same. (not first
on my list)
One thought is to use logging results, but we are not sure how to extract
"data" from the logs.
It would also be nice if we could use something like Quests Netbase
posting files.
Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
                                                                    (o o)
Bill Swartz
Director MIS    2880 Junction Ave
Diamond Multimedia Systems Inc. San Jose, CA 95134
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