"Carl E. Ruth II" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Yawl, I have a problem.
That's Ya'll :)
> These machines are using Reflections to connect to an HP955 runing
> MPE/IX v5.0 via a serial connection.
> All of these machines are doing basically the same thing.  On a random
> basics they will echo back to the screen garbage characters.  But, it
> is only on the screen display that the characters are garbage.  The
> system still accepts the data as valid.  This garbage is random, there
> is no rhyme or reason to how it appears.  We have checked the lines.
> We have use different serial cables that are located in different
> areas of the plant; but the problem persist.  We have checked the
> settings against other machines of like make and model.  Nothing seems
> to help.
Well, Carl, you don't mention changing out the serial card itself.  I
don't know what an "ALR" brand is, but if the serial card is
replaceable, or you can add another, I would replace the cards with
new ones (or with ones from PC that work).  Maybe not much help, but
another idea to try.  BTW, you don't mention whether you have other
ALR machines that work (obviously, if not replace 'em).
Larry Boyd    <[log in to unmask]>
"Each problem solved creates the opportunity to solve the next problem
          that the last solution created." - Richard Pascale
(These opinions are my own and not those of Hewlett-Packard.)