I have the following little program...
#include <clude <stdio.h>
#include <clude <stdlib.h>
void main()
   int nRval;
   nRval = system ("TELL #s383; Edward, send help!\r");
   if (nRval < 0)
      printf ("Return value from system() is: %d\n", nRval);
      fflush (stdout);
When compiled and executed under mpe it works fine.
ccxl tstsysmc,tstsysmo,
link from=tstsysmo;to=tsys2;rl=libcinit.lib.sys;cap=ph
but compiling under the POSIX shell and executing under MPE i get
the following error:
cp tstsysmc tstsystm.c
c89 tstsystm.c -o TSYS
<use linkedit to alter program capabilities to add ph>
TELL: not found
i am guessing that some library or other is not being included when
the program is compiled in the shell...though i thought the system()
command (HPCICOMMAND) would not be executed until run time.
anyway, does anyone know of a solution to this problem? (or even
something to try?) Thanks in advance.