[log in to unmask] (Kevin Estep) wrote:
> Does anyone know what the difference is between Express 3 and
>Powerpatch 4?
An Express is a retrofitted master SUBSYS tape and/or a new
Powerpatch tape, to be installed on top of a "base" release.
Express 3 was comprised of a C.50.03 SUBSYS tape plus a C.50.03
Powerpatch tape.  Later in January, we released a newer Powerpatch
tape, C.50.04.  So, from January until now, the best software mix
available to you has been...
       C.50.00    5.0 Push FOS Tape
       C.50.00    5.0 Push SLT Tape
       C.50.03    Express 3 SUBSYS Tape
       C.50.04    Powerpatch Tape 4
We have certified this mix of tapes.  By the way, Powerpatch 5 is
scheduled to be available for customer shipments in 2 days, so by
the end of the week, the best software mix will include C.50.05
instead of C.50.04 -- in fact, C.50.04 will no longer be available.
C.50.04 Powerpatch had several bug fixes and a couple of minor
enhancements (e.g. disk support) over C.50.03.  C.50.05 also has
primarily bug fixes.
>  We installed Powerpatch 4 on our 918 and 928 this morning. After
>completing the install, we were surprised to find that the version
>number was still listed as C.50.00 instead of C.50.04!
Well, yeah -- that's a known "Catch-22".  The :SHOWME V.UU.FF will
always show the V.UU.FF of the base OS, not of the Powerpatch.  To
find the Powerpatch V.UU.FF, you would need to open the file
HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS and read the first four lines -- HPSWINFO will
keep track of the patches you have installed on your system.
>  We tried to run SQLMIG against our DBE, and it indicated that it was
>at the correct level INSTEAD of indicating that a migration would be
>successful. Is this because the Powerpatch version number is
>incorrect, or do we need to complete the migration?
>  In addition, our PC-based ODBC application running on our network
>now crawls. A search that took 2-3 seconds before the upgrade, now
>takes 5 minutes to complete.
>We are going to try the more recent ODBC driver (G1.05), but HP has
>been of no help so far.
I am not familiar with the SQLMIG and ODBC issues you've raised.
I'll forward them to the appropriate lab people.
>  Any information would be greatly appreciated.
>  Kevin
Jon Cohen
HP -- Commercial Systems Division