>Just for reference;
>  I talked to the folks at RSA about the possibility of porting their
>toolkits to the HP 3000.
>* They don't know what an HP 3000 is
>* They've never had any requests for the toolkits on HP 3000s
>* To get it ported, they'd need enough customer requests to make it
>  feasible for them
>  -- or someone could pay them ($1500/day) to port it
>* Even if they got requests, they don't have the resources to even start
>  on it for several months
>If the toolkits were available (as they are for HPUX and other OS's) the
>developers licenses cost $290 (for 1) $950 (for 10 users) (and so on...)
>For software developers, they also have an OEM program which requires
>royalty payments (of 1...6%, depending on volume).
>Just in case anyone out there is interested...
I guess they have a short memory.
I requested a hp3000 port last June. I had a nice discussion with the rsa
folks and they sent some info for their various programs. I offered to make
a 3k available and they were tentatively interested.
But then, we happen to be located in the same city...
Maybe I could drive over there with a 917, look the other way as they
compile the source code, leave a check for the license then take them to
lunch to cover the porting costs...
But then, it couldn't be that easy...could it?
Duane Percox  (QSS)
[log in to unmask] (415-306-1608, fax 415-365-2706)
"The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas." -- Linus Pauling