IDENTIFIER:         MPE/iX on the new HP/Intel chipset
SUBMITTED BY:   Ken Sletten
E-MAIL ADDRESS: [log in to unmask]
PHONE:         360-396-2525
U.S. MAIL:          Box 196
               Keyport, WA 98345-0196
Different peole may have different ideas on all the things
that could and should be done for MPE/iX to have a bright
long-term future.  But it seems clear that there is one thing,
which if it is NOT done, will make all others efforts moot:
HP *must* put MPE/iX on the new 64-bit HP/Intel chipset.
To put any lingering doubts on this score to rest, I would
ask that HP management make a firm, unambiguous
commitment that MPE/iX will be ported.  It would be even
better if HP could publish a target release date.......