Chris Hill wrote:
> When I try downloading the httpd 1.3.ryder.Z port from HP's
> Jazz server I receive the Netscape warning unrecognized
> encoding x-compressed-zip format.  Yet this appears as a
> MIME type in Netscape. I should still be able to download the
> binaries from Jazz.  Is this a new problem with Netscape 2.0????
Hold down the shift key when selecting the file to be downloaded.
This will force Netscape to open the save file dialogue box and you
will be able to save the file.  Netscape has probably been told that
the Z extension requires an external viewer which has not been
defined on your system.  You can correct this by going to OPTIONS
selecting GENERAL PREFERNCES then picking the HELPERS folder and
highlighting the entry for the Z extension.  Once this is done
select the 'save to disk' check box and save.
James B. Byrne                 mailto:[log in to unmask]
Harte & Lyne Limited 
Hamilton, Ontario              905-561-1241