In a message dated 96-03-01 12:36:08 EST, [log in to unmask] (John
Dunlop) writes:
>>(relatively) small volume set.  If the disc is part of a UVS, then only
>>volume set goes down, the rest stays up.  You can then deal with that UVS
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>while the other UVS' remain unaffected.
>I beg to differ, I have experienced situations  where a Private Volume drive
>has failed and brought down the whole system. Also, the whole system has
>brought down by merely attempting to purge a corrupt file on a PVS.
>Just to clarify.
That is very true and I have heard of cases similar to yours.  But even if
the system does go down, you will not have to reload the entire system!  As
for attempting to purge a corrupt file, I would venture to say that it does
not matter what kind of volume set you are on, a corrupt file will do funky
BTW Private Volume is the wrong nomenclature for the volume sets.  Private
Volume was on MPE/V and prior, sorry to be picky but one can only endeavor to
use the proper terminology.
Just to clarify the clarification.
Kind regards,
Denys. . .