In a message dated 96-03-01 00:29:39 EST, [log in to unmask] (KLRenk) writes:
>I have heard and seen articles about just making LDEV 1 the only volume in
>the system volume set and creating a different volume set for the rest.
>What is this groups feelings on segregating LDEV 1.   Is it worth it?
Yes,   I feel it is worth it.  We have three volume sets (system, production,
and a third that is used by our sister company).  If a drive in a non-system
volume goes down,  the other two are not affected and work goes on as usual
for everyone (but me:-)
>I am in the process of upgrading our hp3000 to 939ks and deciding whether
>or not to do it.   LDEV 1 is a 2db drive.  Any thoughts would be
Rick Clark
Systems Manager
Nook Industries