The following is the posting for the list server on Cyberspace Law:
>    Prof. Larry Lessig, University of Chicago Law School
>    Prof. David Post, Georgetown University Law Center
>    Prof. Eugene Volokh, UCLA School of Law
>    and the Cyberspace Law Institute and Counsel Connect present
>                          **************
>                          CYBERSPACE LAW
>                          for NONLAWYERS
>                          **************
>                   a FREE e-mail Internet seminar
>                    (one message every 2-3 days)
>    *  Learn the basic principles of -- and unlearn some common
>       myths about --
>           -  copyright law,
>           -  free speech law,
>           -  libel law,
>           -  privacy law,
>           -  contract law, and
>           -  trademark law
>       as they apply on the Net, from three of the top experts in
>       the law of cyberspace.
>    *  The seminar is aimed at educated laypeople, not primarily at
>       lawyers.  Low on legalese and Latin.
>    *  This is a low-traffic distribution list, NOT a discussion
>       list.  Subscribers will get one message (a few paragraphs
>       long) every few days.
>    *  The seminar will start in April or May, but you should sign
>       up now -- send a message with the text
>            SUBSCRIBE CYBERSPACE-LAW yourfirstname yourlastname
>       to [log in to unmask]
>    Larry Lessig clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin
>    Scalia, and now teaches constitutional law and the law of
>    cyberspace.  He's written about law and cyberspace for the
>    Yale Law Journal and the University of Chicago Legal Forum
>    (forthcoming).
>    David Post practiced computer law for six years, then clerked
>    for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and now
>    teaches constitutional law, copyright law, and the law of
>    cyberspace.  He's written about law and cyberspace for the
>    University of Chicago Legal Forum (forthcoming) and the Journal
>    of Online Law, and writes a monthly column on law and
>    technology issues for the American Lawyer.
>    Eugene Volokh worked as a computer programmer for 12 years,
>    and is still partner in a software company that sells the
>    software he wrote for the Hewlett-Packard Series 3000.  He
>    clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, and
>    now teaches constitutional law and copyright law.  He's written
>    about law and cyberspace for the Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law
>    Review, Michigan Law Review (forthcoming), and the University
>    of Chicago Legal Forum (forthcoming).
-- Jerry