In a message dated 96-02-27 03:23:31 EST, [log in to unmask] (Netnews
Server) writes:
>Denys, you looked well enough. The features you are referring to are not
>implemented. There was an enhancement request, to Query, back in '93 to
>allow the ASSIGN option to be used with DBCONTROL (for modes 5 and 6). I
>have never seen an SR come through (hint, hint) requesting the setting of
>HWMPUT via Query.
Don't hint at me, I never user Query.  If I want anything from the database,
I use DBDRIVER, like any other real programmer :->.  That's why I had to RTFM
on Query and check the LaserROM and look at the HELP before posting my
original message.
>As to what happened to the DBCONTROL 5/6's
>still being considered. Perhaps the Query lab will respond to this also.
I am sure they will, remember a month or so ago when I mentionned DBINFO mode
205 and poofff, magically a message appeared that Query had been refined to
display results from DBINFO 205 on the FO SETS command.  Doing an ASSIGN for
DBCONTROL 5/6 should be just a piece of cake for the Query lab folks.
>Best regards,
>Steve Patrick
>HP Database Expert Center
Kind regards,
Denys. . .