On Sat, 24 Feb 1996 14:26:56 EDT Ron Burnett said:
>Further to Alfredo's 'food for thought' thread, I can't
>resist this little snippet from today's Australian:
>PALMERSTON NORTH (New Zealand):  Two men who broke into a sex
>aids shop had escaped on bicycles with an inflatable sheep,
                                           ^^^^^ HP-UX ^^^^^
>a blow-up doll and a store dummy, a court was told yesterday.
   ^^Windows95^       ^Windows 3.1^
>Maybe the other man got to keep the sheep!
Most likely sentenced to retain the sheep :-)
Baaaaaaad joke :-)
Jeff Kell
   "New Zealand:  where men are men and sheep are nervous."
PS - Not my quote :-)
PSS - Tennessee joke (I have a sense of humor too :-) ):  What do they
      usually say in Tennessee when a manure silo falls over?  "Shoot
      the looters."