> CSY is launching a "mini-investigation" to look into what software
> limits (if any) are in urgent need of increasing. I am posting this
> message to the COMP.SYS.HP.MPE list to get some feedback from all of
> you on the subject of software limits.
> Thanks in advance....
> Scott McClellan
> [log in to unmask]
Thanks for asking. The major limit we run into is the length of the CI command
line. It has not caused major problems, at this point, but it pokes up
every now and then, forcing us to do things is less straight forward
ways at times.
-- - - - Speaking for myself and not necessarily anybody else - - - - - -
Richard Gambrell        | Internet: [log in to unmask]
Mgr. Tech. Services     | POT:      504-483-7454     FAX: 504-482-1561
Xavier University of LA | Smail:    7325 Palmetto, New Orleans, LA 70125